Michala Petri 13 Dec 2013
Rehearsing with SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart - a marvelous ensemble! - for "The Nightingale" by H.C.Andersen composed by Ugis Praulins... 3 concerts with dvd and cd production - one of them for children with the Nightingale being read inbetween the music... and totally sold out - heartwarming when classical music gets popular... Michala Petri, Facebook
"The Nightingale" by Ugis Praulins- great success in Germany!
A wonderful week with "The Nightingale" with the marvelous SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart and Klaas Stok - ending with an intense and very well received concert in Stuttgart Liederhalle tonight, which will be broadcast January 24. A slightly shorter version performed for 900 children a few days ago - with the fairy tale being told between movements - will be video-online Dec.20, and a similar version for young people will be released on cd next year. Am so happy that this work - with a Grammy nomination and an Echo Klassik Award - is coming across so well to all kind of audiences...
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VIDEOTEAM (via courtesy of Michala Petri) |
Michala Petri 14. Decembris 2013.
Tonights first "Nightingale" in Mannheim with the absolutely marvelous SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart went well - tomorrow midday we make a filmed version for 900 children with the H.C.Andersen Fairytale being told inbetween the music. SWR has made great info-material for school classes to study beforehand, and a little video is made by a few of the children, inspired by Ugis Praulins music....
Radio broadcast / Konzert des SWR Vokalensembles Stuttgart:
Der lettische Komponist Uģis Prauliņš setzte das Märchen im Jahr 2010 musikalisch als Werk für 20-stimmigen Chor und Blockflöten unter dem Titel The Nightingale um. Das etwa 30-minütige Konzert wurde im März 2011 in Dänemark mit der dänischen Blockflötistin Michala Petri uraufgeführt und im Dezember 2013 erstmals vom SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart auf einer deutschen Bühne gezeigt.
So 14. Dezember 2014
SWR Fernsehen Kulturmatinée 10:25 Uhr. SWR Young CLASSIX - Familienkonzert
Die Nachtigall - Ein musikalisches Märchen für Erzähler, Blockflöte und Chor a cappella von Hans Christian Andersen/Ugis Praulins
Michala Petri, Blockflöte * Malte Arkona, Erzähler * SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart
Dirigent: Klaas Stok
Printed Score: 200 pages - 34.90 EUR *
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