IMAGINATION (The Land of My Heart)
for children's choir (SA) and brass quintet (tp, tp, h, tb, tuba) 2011
Lyrics by Barbara Juliane von
Krüdener Madame de Krudener (1764 - 1824)
English translation by Clarence Ford
27 Sept 2015: Canadian premiere
Pro Coro Canada opening concert
@Winspear Centre in Edmonton:
“over 1600 people were in the
hall...” Michael Zaugg, conductor
SCORE (1st page):
Commissioned by the Jugendwerkstatt
“Frohe Zukunft”. Halle, Germany.
World premiere: 2011-05-05.
Donnerstag; 05. Mai 2011, Konzerthalle Ulrichskirche, 32. internationales Kinderchorfestival Fröhlich sein und singen Halle/ Saale.
Imagination - Uraufführung /
Festivalchöre / Leitung: Ugis Praulins, conductor
(c) 2011 Stefan Roehrig |
Donnerstag; 05. Mai 2011, 15:00
Uhr, Stadthaus Halle. Workshop „Die Geburt eines Liedes“
deutsch / englisch mit Ugis Praulins - Lettland
(c) 2011 Stefan Roehrig |